Fake Programing Code Wiki

The Truffle language is a client side computer language used to display impossible formats.

Beating The Impossible[]

Truffle, can, like CSS, format web sites and tell how a browser reads it, but, it's extended usages can let it make circles, curves, mixable colors, and more. A code snippet, makes a basic circle without any files, just pure code:

 {start curve, 12px c
 |curve dirc; {7 pulls
 "color: red" create <circle
 pull 3.5 e c=1
 | repeat{
 color blnd evl; 17f red/\17f org

That makes a circle, with the color red fading from the left and turning orange.

Usage For Images[]

Several programmers used Truffle in image studios, to make special shapes, fading colors, and more, without the cost. Truffle has integrated into several programs like Truffle Pallet, TF-PAINT Magic, London-Tokyo TF Design Studio, and others, as well.

Flash Integration[]

A variant of Truffle, Truffle-F, was made to support multiple flash objects in one, as well as simple designs.
